We deliver to many countries worldwide. Our goal is to dispatch your order on the same day. If not, it will go out the following day. Orders are shipped 7 days a week, excluding recognized US holidays or postal holidays. Due to global events, shipping times might occasionally be delayed.
Once your package is shipped, you’ll get a tracking ID and a personalized link to check your shipment's progress. If the delivery address is incorrect, contact us promptly to update your order.
Delivery Location | Shipping Fee 1 Bottle |
Shipping Fee 3 Bottles |
Shipping Fee 6 Bottles |
Shipping Time |
United States | $9.95 | $9.95 | FREE | 5-7 Working Days |
Canada | $13.95 | $13.95 | $13.95 | 10-15 Working Days |
Other | $19.95 | $19.95 | $19.95 | 10-15 Working Days |
No additional shipping fees are charged for order upgrades unless otherwise stated. For deliveries outside the United States, applicable shipping fees are listed in the table above. Please note that international customers may be required to pay customs duties, which are the responsibility of the recipient.
You have 90 days from the date of your order to fully try and benefit from our product. If you decide to return it during this time, you are eligible for a no-questions-asked refund.
Before requesting a refund, we recommend giving the product at least 2 months to see the best results. If you still wish to proceed, please follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Confirm Refund Eligibility
Ensure you are within the 90-day refund period from the date of your order. Refunds cannot be processed after this period.
Step 2 - Return All Items
To receive a full refund, return all bottles from your order, whether full, partially full, or empty, to our fulfillment center within the 90-day period.
Include the following with your return: (1) your Order ID from your order receipt, (2) your full name, (3) your full shipping address, (4) your email address, and (5) your phone number. This information ensures our staff can process your return smoothly.
Return Address:
19655 E 35th Drive. Suite 100, Aurora,
CO 80011, USA
Please note that shipping costs for returns, Fulfillment House Return Address, and Money-Back Guarantee are OUR responsibility for the customers in USA. We do not refund shipping fees or customs charges for international orders.
Step 3 - Wait for Refund Processing
Once we receive your return and process your details, we will issue your refund. Refunds will be credited back to your payment method and may take 5-10 business days to appear on your statement, depending on your bank. You will receive an email once your refund is processed.